Black Hat SEO Guide - Easy to Understand [2021]

November 11, 20213 minutesuserMilan Gangani
Black Hat SEO Guide - Easy to Understand [2021]

In this chapter, learn about complete black hat SEO and solve your query related to this topic.

Black Hat SEO is a type of SEO technique that google doesn't recommend for sites ranking.

These techniques play with google algorithms and manipulate them for ranking in SERPs.

What is black hat SEO?

Black Hat SEO is totally against search engine guidelines that are used for website higher ranking in google SERP in a very short time.

Google does penalties that site that uses black hat SEO techniques for higher ranking in the search results.

What are black hat SEO techniques?

Black hat SEO techniques are techniques that manipulate google algorithms and play with the searcher's intent.

8 Different types of black hat SEO techniques

1. Use of paid links

Quality-related links drive traffic to websites also get ranking in search results page that's good.

People think if they buy backlinks from others then their websites get a higher ranking in google but paid links are against webmaster guidelines.

So that website never ranks but deindex in google is a high possibility.

So be avoid getting paid links from others that don't relevant to your niche.

If you do SEO for your site or client's website then avoid buying backlinks from others because google rank that site that matches user intent.

If buying links don't have quality content and do not match user intent that also affects your site so be aware when buying paid links.

2. Hidden text in a website

That is another black hat SEO technique that against search engine guidelines.

In white background put white text is a hidden text practice that user can't see but search engine crawler detects them and mark them as unwanted.

Putting text on behind images is also hidden text practice so avoid them getting penalties from Google.

Hidden text google guidelines

  • Don't use a font size as 0
  • Don't put text behind on image
  • Don't use white text for white background

3. Article spinning

Article spinning is a technique that re-writes content synonyms as source information using tools or manually.

Copy article from other sites and do article spinning of copy content and put a new article on website but if you think Google doesn't catch this technique then you are totally wrong because google's algorithm is more powerful than you think.

So be avoid doing article spinning of content and don't paste in websites.

4. Cloaking

Clocking provides different results than users and search engines expected a per search intent that is a violation of webmasters guideline.

Clocking is an old technique of black hat SEO but today as well use this technique by people to manipulate google's algorithm and get the top ranking on SERPs.

But Google can easily catch this technique using powerful algorithms and do penalties that websites that use this types of techniques for ranking.

5. Keyword stuffing

Use the same keyword use several times on one page for most visibility in SERPs it's called keyword stuffing.

Using this content doesn't like natural and user friendly.

Keywords use in articles that should be natural, don't put anywhere that like spamming content.

6. Duplicate content

Duplicate content is that content that is copied from different sources and merges into one content but search engines prefer unique content for the webpage so avoid this technique for better results.

Duplicate content can't rank in google so focus only on unique content.

7. Link Farming

Create a thousand quantity backlinks for ranking in google. But 99% of backlinks are spamming and usually use black hat software like Scrape box, SEnukeTNG to create spamming backlinks.

Backlinks like comment backlinks, social bookmarking backlinks, web profile, article directory, wiki backlinks, gov., and education sites backlinks are automatically created using this software.

If you want to use then there is 4 way to use backlinks

  1. Never use such backlinks on money sites. Use only on short-term micro-niche sites.
  2. Never use such backlinks on your main website
  3. Use it for 2 tier backlinks
  4. You can get brand mentions from selected sites on your main site but without a hyperlink

8. Content Farming

Generated automatic content on websites using activated plugins.

Two disadvantages of auto blogging

  1. Your visitor never become your audience
  2. Rare chances of ranking an auto blogging site on google

Is black hat SEO illegal?

Black hat SEO is not illegal but try to avoid use, which violet search engine guidelines or go against the rules.

If Google catches this technique then will get a penalty or punishment from google in cases your site rank can down or the site can be removed in search engine.

At some time your site can rank using black hat SEO techniques but when googling algorithm catch then suddenly down your site or maybe removed in search engine.

What is a black hat tool?

Black hat tool using this you can do keyword stuffing, link spam, buy unethical link, etc.

Black hat SEO tool list

  • XRumer
  • SeNukeXcr
  • Rankwyz
  • GSA Search Engine Ranker
  • Scrapebox
  • Market Samurai
  • The Best Spinner
  • Tweet Attacks
  • Traffic Booster Pro V3
  • GScraper

Does black hat SEO Still Work?

The answer is yes because some money-making sites use black hat SEO for their website and get ranked in search engines and make money from this.

When google penalty these sites that already make money from this and they don't worry about that.

But most of the sites are made for the long-term future and they worry about that so these techniques are only for short-term results. Don't get long time results using this.

What are black hat backlinks?

Black hat backlinks are types of black hat SEO using keyword stuffing, cloaking, content scraping made backlinks for the website.

These types of backlinks create a negative effect on google SERPs.

Why you shouldn't use black hat SEO?

Create short-time results using this technique.

Poor experience for users using this black hat SEO technique.

The site can deindex or disappear in SERPs.

Reputation and authority of website can be down.


After that question in your mind is should we use some black hat SEO techniques for the website but the answer is no because black hat SEO is temporary and after some times googles algorithm capt them and down your site from the search engine.